27-28 Weeks Pregnant – Symptoms, Body Changes, Bump Update – Pregnancy Diary
At 27-28 weeks pregnant, I was entering the third and final trimester. And I was finally feeling really good.
Going into the third trimester of the pregnancy is exciting but also a little scary.
The birth is approaching rapidly, and it is all starting to feel more and more real, that we’d be holding another little baby in our hands in no time.
Birth Preparation
At this point, I was starting to look into birth preparation videos.
During my first pregnancy, I attended a birth prep class, And I still had all the materials and knew what to expect.
Nevertheless, I was debating to opt for a VBAC instead of another c-section and therefore wanted to prepare for labor and delivery.
There are a lot of free resources on the internet where you can learn about birth preparation. And while I highly recommend attending an actual class, especially for first time moms, I preferred watching videos from birth educators and their advice on YouTube, like e.g. this channel.
Ultrasound at 28 Weeks Pregnant

At 28w0d of my pregnancy, I had my next ultrasound scheduled.
Even though I passed the last one and no incompetent cervix was diagnosed, my doctor still wanted to keep a close eye on the baby – because of his big belly.
His large abdomen was apparently still something they wanted to monitor more frequently.
And to be honest, I didn’t mind getting another glimpse of my baby boy.
The ultrasound showed that my baby still had a big belly. But since it was still within the normal range being in the 90th percentile, they told me it’s all good.
Nevertheless, I was told I should come for one last checkup 4-5 weeks later.

One-sided kicks
During this time in my pregnancy, I was starting to notice that baby’s kicks were very one-sided.
I only felt them on my left side, sometimes lower, sometimes in the middle.
I remember my friends telling me about how they would always feel their baby’s kicks in their ribs. And how their baby rolled.
But I never experienced something like this.
As I was starting to worry, I asked my doctor at my ultrasound appointment if she could tell me if everything is okay with baby’s legs.
And it was. My doctor mentioned the way my baby is curled up could mean the end of his feet are pointed more towards the middle of the abdomen.
Also, he was in the same position that he was in during the last few ultrasounds, his back on my right side and everything else facing left, which explains why I only felt him on my left side.
My doctor also mentioned that how my placenta was positioned could contribute to a lack of feeling the kicks in my ribs, as it was sitting right on the top/front of my uterus.
Out of breath
During weeks 27-28 of being pregnant, I noticed how I was starting to feel out of breath more and more often.
I was still going on daily walks with my daughter, but pushing her stroller uphill was starting to become more challenging.
And carrying her up and down stairs as well.
My belly was starting to grow rapidly, and so was the baby. This means not only was my growing uterus probably starting to put some pressure on my lungs. The increase in weight I was carrying around also started making things more and more exhausting.
Body Changes and Bump Update

At 27-28 weeks pregnant, I noticed how my belly was growing faster and faster.
I knew there was a growth spurt coming, it started at 25-26 weeks pregnant, but I was surprised by how much bigger my belly was already looking compared to my first pregnancy.
My belly was also growing way more to the front, which is a typical sign of a boy pregnancy.